Slide Presentations at Eastern States are the typical venue for PGY1 residents to present their projects. Always check with your program director if you are unsure which presentation to select. 

For the Slide Presentations:

  • Presentations will need to be brought in by the presenter via flashdrive, access through google docs or another cloud source, email, etc.
  • Presentations will be made in-person in your scheduled room at your scheduled time. 
  • Each Slide Presentation will be allocated a total of 15 minutes – this is typically divided to be up to 12 minutes of presentation with 2-3 minutes of attendee questions. 5 minutes will be allowed transition to the next speaker.
  • Questions will be asked of the presenter at the end of their presentation. 
  • Residents will be expected to be present 30-minutes ahead of their scheduled session start (not their presentation time) to complete a technical check.
  • Feedback will be made available to the residents after their presentation using the evaluation forms.

Major Headings for your Slide Presentation

  • Hospital/Health-System/Pharmacy/Clinical Setting Introduction – provide context for where the project was carried out.
  • Background – brief review of the information used to develop the project idea.
  • Methods – description of processes/medications put in place/evaluated as part of the project. 
  • Results – concise review of the project findings and outcomes
  • Discussion – interpretation and synthesis of results into existing body of knowledge