PGY1 Residents
PGY1 Residents are strongly encouraged to present a Slide Presentation.
IF, after discussion with your Residency Program Director/Preceptor, a Poster would be preferred, please register for the poster and NOT the Slide Presentation.
Any change requests related to presentation type are subject to a $50 administrative fee.
PGY2 Residents
Due to limited availability of Slide Presentation slots, PGY2 Residents and Fellows are strongly encouraged to present a Poster.
IF, after discussion with your Residency Program Director/Preceptor, a Slide Presentation would be preferred please register for the Slide Presentation and NOT the poster presentation.
Any change requests related to presentation type are subject to a $50 administrative fee.
Abstract Submission
All residents at the Conference are required to submit an abstract at the time of registration. Residents are encouraged to register and submit their abstract as early as possible but no later than March 1, 2024.
Slide Presentation session information – ENCOURAGED for PGY1
Poster Session information – ENCOURAGED for PGY2/Fellows