SCHED Instructions

Invitations have been sent from SCHED. Please check your inbox and your spam folders. If you cannot find your invitation, please email Follow instructions within the invitation to setup your account in SCHED. If you already have an account with the email you used to register, you can simply login and you should see the Eastern States Conference in your events.

It is important to have access to SCHED during the conference. You can download the app once you’ve setup your account to have easy access to our event. Within the SCHED app, Presenters and Preceptors can:

  • View all abstracts.
  • Search for presentations based on category, program, presenter name, room, etc.
  • View the schedule in simple, expanded, and grid mode.
  • Create your own schedule of presentations to attend.
  • Chat with other presenters and preceptors at the conference.
  • Receive important announcements from the Eastern States Conference Executive Director, Board, and Committee.
  • Have access to the Conference Agenda and any other important documents.

Updating SCHED Information


  • Enter/Update your abstract information by editing your description. Refer to the support document here:
  • Upload a recent photo.
  • Add a brief biography not to exceed 150 words that includes:
    • 1 sentence with name, credentials, and current position.
    • 1 or 2 sentences with education and previous training.
    • 1 or 2 sentences with plans for future (PGY2, other training, new job).
    • 1 sentence with professional organization membership and involvement.
  • Components for uploading your presentation in SCHED:
    • You can upload your presentation to SCHED by attaching a file to your profile. We encourage you to upload your PowerPoint or a PDF of your presentation for attendees to view at any time. However, this does not take the place of you presenting and you should still bring your presentation on a flash drive or have access to it online. You can access your presentation from SCHED, if you’d like, but don’t rely on that alone.
  • SCHED provides additional speaker tools here:
  • Complete your profile before the start of the conference.
  • Download the SCHED app to have easy access to all conference information!


  • Upload a recent photo.
  • Add a brief biography.
  • SCHED provides additional attendee tools here:
  • Complete your profile before the start of the conference.
  • Download the SCHED app to have easy access to all conference information!